Hip Mobility
Ballet Stretches in the Well
Hip flexor (High lunge)
> Both hands on box
> Hip Bop Pulses
> Mermaid Arms to Stance leg (Hands behind head easier)
> Tick Tock Arms (Hands behind head easier)
> Back Extensions (Hands behind head easier, Front Raises harder)
Hamstrings (Forward Fold)
> Thread the Needle
> Gesture leg: Bend+stretch
> Gesture leg: Point+ Flex
> Gesture leg: Ankle circles
> Stance leg: Bend+stretch
> Stance leg: Heel Raises
> Stance leg: Hip pull backs
> Hip Bop Pulses
> Arm Openers
> Cat/cow
Adductors (Side Lunge)
> Gesture leg: Bend+stretch
> Gesture leg: Heel Raises
> Gesture leg: Box pulls
> Side to side Weight Shifting
> Mermaid Arms to Box (Hands behind head easier)
> Tick Tock Arms Away from Box (Hands behind head easier)
> Painful knee option: Wide Stance on Floor
Quads (Facing Away)
> Gesture leg: Bend+stretch
> Gesture leg: Heel Raises
> Gesture leg: Lean Backs
> Gesture leg: Box pulls
> Back bends
> Rotations
> Side bends